[PDF] Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition John E. McMurry


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Retaining the concise, to-the-point presentation that has already helped thousands of students move beyond memorization to a true understanding of the beauty and logic of organic chemistry, this Seventh Edition of John McMurry’s FUNDAMENTALS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY brings in new, focused content that shows students how organic chemistry applies to their everyday lives. In addition, redrawn chemical structures and artwork help students visualize important chemical concepts, a greater emphasis on biologically-related chemistry (including new problems) helps them grasp the enormous importance of organic chemistry in understanding the reactions that occur in living organisms, and new End ofChapter problems keyed to OWL allow them to work text-specific problems online. Lastly, for this edition, John McMurry reevaluated and revised his writing at the sentence level to ensure that the book’s explanations, applications, and examples are more student-friendly, relevant, and motivating than ever before.


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