{PDF} Gene Therapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols Mario P. Colombo, Monica Rodolfo (auth.), Wolfgang Walther, Ulrike Stein (eds.)


In Gene Therapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols, Wolfgang Walther and Ulrike Stein survey the rapidly evolving field cancer gene therapy and provide a broad array of leading-edge protocols for the delivery of therapeutic genes into tumors. Described in step-by-step fashion and enriched with each author’s own practical tips, these readily reproducible methods are currently being widely applied in cancer gene therapy investigations, including immunotherapy and tumor vaccination, suicide gene therapy, antioncogene therapy, and antisense and ribozyme gene therapy. Representative strategies are provided for gene targeting and for viral or nonviral gene delivery in cancer therapy, as well as a significant number of clinical protocols for the development of novel cancer gene therapies.
Gene Therapy of Cancer: Methods and Protocols offers basic and clinical researchers a broad ranging overview and collection of the most recent advances in gene transfer techniques. Written by leading international authorities, its readily reproducible, cutting-edge methods constitute today’s most valuable tools for the study of cancer gene therapy in both the laboratory and clinical trials.


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