{PDF} Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering: First International Symposium, GCSE?99 Erfurt, Germany, September 28?30, 1999 Revised Papers Wolfgang Goebl (auth.), Krzysztof Czarnecki, Ulrich W. Eisenecker (eds.)


In the past two years, the Smalltalk and Java in Industry and Education C- ference (STJA) featured a special track on generative programming, which was organized by the working group Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering” of the Gesellschaft fur ? Informatik” FG 2.1.9 Object-Oriented Software Engineering.” This track covered a wide range of related topics from domain analysis, software system family engineering, and software product – nes, to extendible compilers and active libraries. The talks and keynotes directed towards this new software engineering paradigm received much attention and – terest from the STJA audience. Hence the STJA organizers suggested enlarging this track, making it more visible and open to wider, international participation. This is how the GCSE symposium was born. The rst GCSE symposium attracted 39 submissions from all over the world. This impressive number demonstrates the international interest in generative programming and related elds. After a careful review by the program comm- tee, fteen papers were selected for presentation. We are very grateful to the members of the program committee, all of them renowned experts, for their dedication in preparing thorough reviews of the submissions. Special thanks go to Elke Pulvermuller ? and Andreas Speck, who proposed and organized a special conference event, the Young Researches Workshop (YRW). This workshop provided a unique opportunity for young scientists and Ph.D.


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