{PDF} Glycoimmunology 2 Dirk H. Van den Eijnden, Alex P. Neeleman, Hans Bakker, Irma Van Die (auth.), John S. Axford (eds.)


The Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meetings have charted the rapid devel? opment of glycobiology within the field of inflammation. In less than a decade, the science has grown from basically being involved in carbohydrate analysis to the understanding of how sugars are associated with inflammation and how they have potential as anti? inflammatory therapeutics. The 4th Jenner International Glycoimmunology Meeting was re? cently held in Loutraki, Greece, and set the scene for what promises to be an exciting future for the speciality. Discussion reflected the rapid advances glycobiology is making and ranged from the basic biochemistry of carbohydrate physiology to therapeutic trials utilizing synthetic sugars designed to block inflammatory responses. The meeting is summarized in considerable detail in this book which will provide the interested scientist and clinician with the essential up-to-date facts within the field of glyco? immunology. Acknowledgments Many people have been involved in ensuring the success of the Jenner Glycoimmu? nology Meetings but none more so than my secretary Susan Henderson who has borne the brunt of all four meetings and is currently preparing for the 5th.


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