[PDF] Green gene technology: research in an area of social conflict Arthur Einsele (auth.), Armin Fiechter, Christof Sautter (eds.)


A. Einsele: The Gap between Science and Perception: The Case of Plantbiotechnology in Europe.-

A. Schrell, H. Bauser, H. Brunner: Biotechnology Patenting Policy in the European Union – as Exemplified by the Development in Germany.-

M. Leisola: Bioscience, bio-innovations and bioethics.-

M.P. Oeschger, C.E. Silvia: Genetically Modified Organisms in the United States: Implementation, Concerns and Public Perception.-

P. Aerni: Agricultural biotechnology and its contribution to the Global Knowledge Economy.-

T. Schlaich, B. Urbaniak, M.L. Plissonnier, N. Malgras, C. Sautter: Exploration and Swiss field testing of a viral gene for specific quantitative resistance against smuts and bunts in wheat.-

C. Gessler, A. Patocchi: Recombinant DNA technology in apple.- J.B. Van Beilen, Y. Poirer: Prospects for biopolymer production in plants.-

P.A. Vidi, F. Kessler: Plastogobule lipid bodies: their funktions in chloroplasts and their potential for applications.-

F. Felber, G. Kozlowski, N. Arrigo, R. Guadagnuolo: Genetic and Ecological Consequences of Transgene Flow to the Wild Flora.-

F. Widmer: Assessing Effects of Transgenic Crops on soil Microbial Communities.-

O. Sanvido, J. Romeis, F. Bigler: Ecological Impacts of Genetically Modiefied Crops: Ten Years of Field Research and Commercial Cultivation


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