Since the publication of the best-selling Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine, the field of biology has experienced several milestones. Genome sequencing of higher eukaryotes has progressed at an unprecedented speed. Starting with baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), organisms sequenced now include human (Homo sapiens), model crucifer (Arabidopsis thaliana), and rice (Oryza sativa). The invention of DNA microarray technology and advances in bioinformatics have generated vast amounts of genomic data. Reflecting these revolutionary advances Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine, Second Edition documents conventional and modern approaches to tackle scientific research in the post-genomics era.
Maintaining the step-by-step format that popularized the first edition, each chapter provides the principles behind the featured method, a detailed description of each protocol, applications of the protocol to different systems, and references for further study.
Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine, Second Edition now includes:
New protocols in all chapters, including alternative protocols
In vitro transcription methods
Analysis of DNA sequences
New bioseparation techniques
New chapters covering:
mRNA differential display
Inhibition of gene expression
In situ hybridization (Localization of gene expression)
Combinatorial techniques
Computational data mining methods applied to combinatorial chemistry libraries
With this book at hand, researchers, teachers, and students can understand and utilize the major techniques and methods currently employed in cellular and molecular biology.
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