[PDF] Harrisons Manual of Medicine, 18th Edition Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo


The authority of Harrison?s in a concise, carry-anywhere text

Drawn from the eighteenth edition of Harrison?s Principles of Internal Medicine, this handy reference covers key aspects of the diagnosis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of the major diseases that are likely to be encountered in medical practice.

Presented in full color and completely updated to reflect all the major advances and clinical developments, Harrison?s Manual of Medicine, 18e offers high-yield coverage of:
Etiology and Epidemiology Clinically Relevant Pathophysiology Signs & Symptoms Differential Diagnosis Physical and Laboratory Findings Therapeutics Practice Guidelines
Utilizing an effective mix of succinct text, bullet points, algorithms, and tables, Harrison?s Manual of Medicine, 18e covers every area of clinical medicine ? as only Harrison?s can.