This Technical Note has been prepared as a ?simple to use? guide to assist the awareness and implementation of the human factors in the design and operation of oil and gas facilities both onshore and offshore. Human factors have been treated as a broad subject within this guide. The subject has been considered to cover all issues governing the way that individuals and teams may work, the influences defining their environment, (in terms of culture, knowledge as well as the physical environment). This includes how individuals and teams respond, learn and adapt to these imposed environments; the way in which their organizations plan and prepare for the tasks and activities to be carried out and the physical environment in which those tasks are done.
Front Matter
• Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms Terms
• Table of Contents
• 1. Introduction
• 2. Objective
3. Benefits from the Application and Implementation of Human Factors
• 4. Application of Human Factors Studies
5. Tools and Methodologies
{PDF} Human Factors Guide for the Protection of Onshore Plants and Offshore Structures against Fires and Explosions
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