{PDF} HVAC Design Manual for Hospitals and Clinics ASHRAE Technical Committee


This new edition provides in-depth, up-to-date design recommendations based on best practices from consulting and hospital engineers with decades of experience in the design, construction, and operation of health care facilities. It presents solutions that are proven, cost effective, and reliable–solutions that provide low maintenance cost and high reliability, with a focus on presenting what’s different about health care HVAC. This detailed reference is useful for consulting engineers, hospital designers, architects, mechanical engineers, facility managers, infection control personnel, maintenance staff, contractors, developers, and code accreditation and licensure officials.
Front Matter
• Table of Contents
1. Overview of Health Care HVAC Systems
2. Infection Control
3. Air-Handling and Distribution Systems
4. Utilities
5. Life Safety
6. Controls and Instrumentation
7. Existing Facilities
8. Room Design
9. Business of Health Care
10. Disaster Planning and Emergency Management
11. Operations and Maintenance
12. Sustainability in Health Care Facilities
13. Seismic Restraints in Health Care HVAC Design
• Acronyms
• Glossary


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