{PDF} Information Technologies in Medicine: Rehabilitation and Treatment, Volume II



A comprehensive survey of technological developments in Virtual Reality for use in a variety of medical procedures

Medicine and the biological sciences have long relied on visualizations to illustrate the relationship between anatomic structure and biologic function. The new multidimensional imaging modalities are powerful counterparts to traditional forms of observation-surgery, postmortem examination, or extensive mental reconstruction. VR technologies have reached unimagined levels of sophistication and utility, giving physicians and students new avenues for planning and practicing surgery and diagnostics.

The two volumes of Information Technologies in Medicine thoroughly explore the use of VR technology in three-dimensional visualization techniques, realistic surgical training prior to patient contact, and actual procedures in rehabilitation and treatment, including telemedicine and telesurgery. Editors Akay and Marsh have brought together all the available information on the subject of VR technologies in medicine and medical training to create the first comprehensive guide to the state of the art in medicine for use by students, doctors, and researchers.

Volume II concentrates on VR technologies specifically in the area of rehabilitation and treatment and provides complete coverage of the most recent advancements in high-tech medicine. Specific treatments include:
* VR in neuro/orthopedic rehabilitation
* VR in treatment of anxiety disorders
* Robot-assisted microsurgery
* VR and the vestibular system
* Maxillofacial virtual surgeryContent:
Chapter 1 Neuro/Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Disability Solutions Using Virtual Reality Technology (pages 1?18): Walter J. Greenleaf
Chapter 2 The Use of Virtual Reality Technology in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders (pages 19?37): Brenda K. Wiederhold and Mark D. Wiederhold
Chapter 3 Virtual Reality for Health Care (pages 39?83): L. Beolchi and G. Riva
Chapter 4 Robot?Assisted Microsurgery Development at JPL (pages 85?99): Hari Das, Tim Ohm, Curtis Boswell, Rob Steele and Guillermo Rodriguez
Chapter 5 Virtual Reality and the Vestibular System: A Brief Review (pages 101?108): Erik Viirre, Zsolt Lorant, Mark Draper and Thomas A. Furness
Chapter 6 Computer Imagery and Multimedia Techniques for Supporting Telemedicine Diagnoses (pages 109?139): Qinglian Guo, Katsunobu Muroi and Mieko Ohsuga
Chapter 7 Implementing a Picture?Achieving and Communication System (PACS) and Teleradiology System: Practical Issues and Considerations (pages 141?164): Jihong Wang
Chapter 8 From Engineering to Surgery: The Harsh Realities of Virtual Reality (pages 165?181): Robert John Stone
Chapter 9 Maxillofacial Virtual Surgery from 3?D CT Images (pages 183?199): Alessandro Sarti, Roberto Gori, Alberto Bianchi, Claudio Marchetti and Claudio Lamberti


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