[PDF] Invertebrate Medicine Gregory A. Lewbart


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I bought this book hoping that it would help me out with the invertebrate managerie I’ve collected over the years for my family. Not a month would go by that some medical mishap would occur within my collection. A Tricladid would sprain his ankle, an Isopod would be horsing around with my Portuguese Man O War and get stung, or just the simple colds and coughs that Sea Cucumbers never seem to be rid of. In the past, let’s say that my Cuttlefish gets pinkeye, there was absolutely no where around here that I could go for help. I once took an asthmatic Flat Worm to the local vet here and he couldn’t help me. Even the almighty Internet didn’t have the answers for me. Then a friend of mine, who raises and races Clams, turned me on to this book. It is a bit pricey, but it’s saved me so much time and money in the long run. Now, I can take care of most medical emergencies here at home. Just the other day I referenced the book and helped my Giant African Slug give birth to a beautiful baby boy slug. There are wonderful illustrations that help guide you in the treatment of MCL sprains in Sea Sponges, corrective eyeglasses for Apple Snails, and bronchitis in Gelatinous Zooplankton. Truly a boon for lovers of mushy animals.


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