{pdf} Lung Biology in Health & Disease Volume 224 Sleep and Breathing in Children: Developmental Changes in Breathing During Sleep 2nd Edition Carole Marcus, John M. Carroll, David Donnelly, Gerald M. Loughlin


Infants and children spend one- to two-thirds of their life asleep. Despite this, very little attention has been paid to understanding both normal sleep and sleep-related abnormalities during child development. This volume is devoted to breathing during sleep, its changes with development (from the fetus onwards), and the pathophysiology of sleep-related breathing disorders. Sleep and Breathing in Children: investigates breathing during sleep from the fetus onwards examines the effects of sleep on upper airway resistance, ventilatory drive, and respiratory muscle tone compares differences between childhood and adult obstructive sleep apnea, and the profound changes in breathing and sleep during growth and maturation discusses the current research within the field of pediatric sleep disorders reviews the history of childhood obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and outlines a future framework for the study of childhood sleep-disordered breathing


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