This up-to-date reference serves as a comprehensive overview of, and patient treatment manual for, chronic viral hepatitis-accounting for subtleties in the diagnosis and treatment of individual patients, rapidly evolving concepts in patient management, and heightened public awareness of the disease. Illustrates how current advances in diagnostic and therapeutic modalities may benefit patients with chronic viral hepatitis! Organized in an easily consulted case-study format that focuses on relevant and challenging patient cases in each chapter, Management of Chronic Viral Hepatitis ?reviews the transition from biochemical measurements to therapy based on viral endpoints and direct antivirals ?describes emerging treatments for hepatitis B and hepatitis C ?navigates through the various HBV and HCV serologic assays in a clear and practical way ?offers a bedside approach to disease management issues ?and more! Including tabulated summaries of laboratory and serologic data, Management of Chronic Viral Hepatitis is an indispensable guide for gastroenterologists and hepatologists, infectious disease specialists, clinical virologists, internists, family practitioners, and medical school students in these disciplines.
[PDF] Management of Chronic Viral Hepatitis (Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing) Stuart Gordon
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