[PDF] Method Of Edge Waves In The Physical Theory Of Diffraction P. Ya. Ufimtsev


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The book is a monograph written as a result of research by the author. The diffraction of plane electromagnetic waves by ideally conducting bodies, the surface of which have discontinuities, is investigated in the book. The linear dimensions of the bodies are assumed to be large in comparison with the wavelength. The method developed in the book takes into account the perturbation of the field in the vicinity of the surface discontinuity and allows one to substantially refine the approximations of geometric and physical optics. Expressions are found for the fringing field in the distant zone. A numerical calculation is performed of the scattering characteristics, and a comparison is made with the results of rigorous theory and with experiments. The book is intended for physicists and radio engineers who are interested in diffraction phenomena, and also for students of advanced courses and aspirants who are specializing in antennas and the propagation of radio waves.


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