{pdf} Methods in Avian Embryology Marianne Bronner-Fraser (Eds.)


A current and authoritative guide, Methods in Avian Embryology presents a combination of classical embryological techniques and modern molecular biological approaches to studying the developing avian embryo. The only one of its kind, this book is specifically devoted to providing a detailed approach to studying avian embryos. It also describes how to use this system to study problems in cell, developmental, and neurobiology. The protocols emphasize microsurgery, histology, and cellular and molecular marking, which are not covered in the usual molecular biology methods manuals. The methods include: embryonic transplantations, cell culture and organ culture, in situ hybridization, classical histological techniques, and retrovirally mediated gene transfer. Key Features* Complete and easy-to-follow procedures* Helpful illustrations* Distinguished group of authors* Wide range of approaches


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