SCOPE: This multi-service operations publication provides tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for conducting chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) avoidance. This document presents comprehensive TTP for passive and active avoidance measures. Users of this manual will be CBRN staff officers, CBRN noncommissioned officers (NCOs), non-CBRN personnel performing collateral duties as an additional duty CBRN officer or NCO, commanders and staff at the tactical through strategic levels, and civilian agencies. PURPOSE: The purpose of this publication is to provide commanders, staffs, key agencies, and service members with a key reference for planning and conducting CBRN avoidance. It provides the tools for CBRN defense personnel to implement active and passive CBRN avoidance measures and supports the decision-making process. It also serves as a key source document for refining existing training support packages, training center exercises, and service school curricula. ?Read more…
{PDF} Multiservice tactics, techniques, and procedures for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear contamination avoidance Stanley H Lillie; J N Mattis; John M Kelly; Bentley B Rayburn; Army Chemical School. Fort Leonardwood, MO
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