{PDF} Neurodegeneration Methods and Protocols Mark C. Miller, Laura Cunningham (auth.), Jean Harry, Hugh A. Tilson (eds.)


In Neurodegeneration Methods and Protocols, Jean Harry and Hugh Tilson bring together a collection of detailed, state-of-the-art techniques for studying many aspects of nervous system cell biology. The methods span a multidisciplinary range of cellular and molecular approaches to both normal and injured nervous system function, and particularly to neurodegenerative processes. Included are basic RT-PCR techniques, cell culture systems, second-messenger signaling methods, and patch-clamp techniques.
Cutting-edge and authoritative, Neurodegeneration Methods and Protocols will illuminate nervous system function, injury, degeneration, and the repair/regenerative process. These powerful techniques will also allow established laboratories-both experimental and clinical-to expand their array of methods for solving research problems and help utilize multidisciplinary procedures beyond their experience.


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