Nitroazoles: Synthesis, Structure and Applications is devoted to the chemistry of nitroazoles, a series of heteroaromatic compounds. The azoles?s unique biological properties have attracted increasing attention from chemists as the nitro derivatives of azoles have found wide application in various fields of industrial chemistry, agriculture, and medicine. These applications include medical products such as azomycin, metronidazole, misonidazole, tinidazole, and nitazole; ionic liquids; high energy materials; precursors for nanocompounds; universal bases in peptide nucleic acids; plant growth regulators; and synthons for organic synthesis. This work is addressed to researchers in chemistry, physics, pharmaceutics, and biochemistry, as well as engineers and physicians (especially oncologists). This book can also be used as a textbook for post-doctorate students and graduate students in chemistry, biochemistry, medical pharmacology, agricultural bioapplications, and for all who wish to get acquainted with the chemistry and structure of nitroazoles.
[PDF] Nitroazoles: Synthesis, Structure and Applications Lyudmila Larina, Valentin Lopyrev (auth.)
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