Preface. Gauge Theories Beyond Gauge Theory; J. Wess. Symmetries Wider Than Supersymmetry; D. Leites, V. Serganova. Tensions in Supergravity Braneworlds; K. Stelle. An Unconventional Supergravity; P. Grozman, D. Leites. Supersymmetry of RS Bulk and Brane; E. Bergshoeff, et al. D-Branes and Vacuum Periodicity; D. Galtsov, V. Dyadichev. Quantum Deformations of Space-Time SUSY and Noncommutative Superfield Theory; P. Kosinski, et al. The Howe Duality and Lie Superalgebras; D. Leites, I. Shchepochkina. Enveloping Algebra of GL(3) and Orthogonal Polynomials; A. Sergeev. Noninvertibility, Semisupermanifolds and Categories Regularization; S. Duplij, W. Marcinek. An Overview of New Supersymmetric Gauge Theories With 2-Form Gauge Potentials; F. Brandt. Supersymmetric R4 Actions and Quantum Corrections to Superspace Torsion Constraints; K. Peeters, et al. Massive Superparticle With Spinorial Central Charges; S. Fedoruk, V.G. Zima. Rotating Super Black Hole as Spinning Particle; A. Burinskii. Classifying N-extended 1-dimensional Super Systems; F. Toppan. Para, Pseudo, and Orthosupersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Their Bosonization; C. Quesne. Supersymmetric Odd Mechanical Systems and Hilbert Q-module Quantization; A. Frydryszak. Locally Anisotropic Supergravity and Gauge Gravity on Noncommutative Spaces; S. Vacaru, et al. Finiteness in Conventional N = 1 GUTs; T. Kobayashi, et al. World Volume Realization of Automorphisms; J. Simon. Some Metrics on the Manin Plane; G. Fiore, et al. Coherence Isomorphisms for a Hopf Category; V. Lyubashenko. Fusion Rings and Tensor Categories; A. Ganchev. On Categories of Gelfand-Zelin Modules; V. Mazorchuk. Hidden Symmetry of Some Algebras Of q-differential Operators; D. Shklyarov, et al. A Family Of -Algebras Allowing Wick Ordering: Fock Representations and Universal Enveloping C -Algebras; P. Jorgensen, et al. Nonstandard Quantization of the Enveloping Algebra U(so(n)) and its Applications; A.U. Klimyk. Can the Cabibbo mixing originate from noncommutative extra dimensions?; A. Gavrilik. Nonclassical Type Representations of Nonstandard Quantization of Enveloping Algebras U(so(n)), U(so(n,1)) and U(iso(n)); N. Iorgov. Quasiparticles in Non-commutative Field Theory; K. Landsteiner. Time Dependence and (Non)Commutativity of Symmetries of Evolution Equations; A. Sergyeyev. p-Adic Strings and Noncommuntativity; B. Dragovich, I.V. Volovich. Adelic Quantum Mechanics: Nonarchimedean and Noncommutative Aspects; G. Djordjevic, et al. Gibbs States of a Lattice System of Quantum Anharmonic Oscillators; Y. Kozitsky. A Metric-Affine Field Model for the Neutrino; D. Vassiliev. Generalized Taub-NUT Metrics and Killing-Yano Tensors; M. Visinescu. An Effective Model of the Spacetime Foam; V. Dzhunushaliev. Possible Constraints on String Theory in Closed Space with Symmetries; A. Higuchi. Semiclassical Dynamics of SU (2) Models; A. Alscher, H. Grabert. List of Speakers and their E-Prints
[PDF] Noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, September 24-28, 2000 00 Steven Duplij; Julius Wess; NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics (eds.)
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