[PDF] Nutrition and Malnutrition: Identification and Measurement E. F. Patrice Jelliffe, Michael Gurney (auth.), Alexander F. Roche, Frank Falkner (eds.)


The Burg Wartenstein Symposia have become rightly celebrated for achieving their original purpose: to be of service and interest to the anthropological profes? sion as a whole and to contribute to related sciences. We are specially grateful to the Board of Directors of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research for the award of a symposium on Physical Anthropology and Nutritional Status. We had considered that such a subject was timely and that an inter-disciplinary approach would contribute useful knowledge in a most important area–particularly in the field of child health. This pUblication of the proceedings will show the degree of success of these aims. Mrs. Lita Osmundsen, Director of Research at the Wenner-Gren Foundation, not only steered us in the early stages but, during our delightful time at Burg Wartenstein, and subsequently, she has been that most charming of crosses–den mother and first class science administrator. We are deeply grateful to her. And grateful, too, for the organization and friendly warm spoiling by the Wenner-Gren staff in residence at Burg Wartenstein. Our nutritional status was high. Nothing was too much trouble for them and it was a wrench to leave and say goodbye to them. The Foundation has since supported our efforts towards this publication. Here we owe a very special debt of gratitide to the cooperation and friendly exper? tise of Mr. Seymour Weingarten, Senior Editor of the Plenum Publishing Corporation, aided by Mr. John Matzka, Managing Editor of this Corporation.


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