Proteomic analyses have proven to be an invaluable tool in obtaining high-throughput protein identification from low-abundance, complex biological samples. In Organelle Proteomics, detailed protocols provide step-by-step instructions to successfully study organelle proteomes by performing the purification of the various organelles present in eukaryotic cells, as well as by preparing certain sub-fractions of organelles. A series of chapters cover the whole analytical procedure of organelle characterization, from its purification starting with whole cells up to protein identification using mass spectrometry. Devoted to methods enabling a global estimate of the reliability of the protein list assigned to an organelle, Organelle Proteomics allows scientists to gain a vital and important understanding of organelle study.
{PDF} Organelle Proteomics Edein P. Romijn, John R. Yates III (auth.), Delphine Pflieger, Jean Rossier (eds.)
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