Content: A primer on the chemistry and constitution of coal / D.D. Whitehurst —
Polymer structure of bituminous coals / John W. Larsen and Jeffrey Kovac —
Oxygen and oxygen functionalities in coal and coal liquids / Raffaele G. Ruberto and Donald C. Cronauer —
Asphaltenes and preasphaltenes : components of an original hvb bituminous coal / Anna Marzec, Danuta Bodzek, and Teresa Krzyzanowska —
Phenols as chemical fossils in coals / J. Bimer, P.H. Given, and Swadesh Raj —
Oxidation of coal by alkaline sodium hypochlorite / Sujit K. Chakrabartty —
Oxidative degradation studies of coal and solvent-refined coal / Ryoichi Hayatsu, Randall E. Winans, Robert G. Scott, Leon P. Moore, and Martin H. Studier —
Chemistry of coal liquefaction / Frank R. Mayo, John G. Huntington, and Norman A. Kirshen —
Early stages of coal carbonization : evidence for isomerization reactions / S.K. Chakrabartty and N. Berkowitz —
Electron spin resonance studies of coals and coal-derived asphaltenes / H.L. Retcofsky, G.P. Thompson, M. Hough, and R.A. Friedel —
Photochemistry hydrogen atoms as a structural probe of the surface of coal / Gilbert J. Mains, Muthu Sp. Sundaram, and Joseph Solomon —
Isotopic studies of thermally induced reactions of coal and coal-like structures / Clair J. Collins, Ben M. Benjamin, Vernon F. Raaen, Paul H. Maupin, and W.H. Roark —
Supercritical solvents and the dissolution of coal and lignite / James E. Blessing and David S. Ross —
Homogeneous catalytic hydrogenations of complex carbonaceous substrates / J.L. Cox, W.A. Wilcox, and G.L. Roberts —
Hydrotreatment of coal with AlCl3/HCl and other strong acid media / J.Y. Low and D.S. Ross —
Characterization of coal products by mass spectrometry / H.E. Lumpkin and Thomas Aczel —
Field ionization and field desorption mass spectrometry applied to coal research / G.A. St. John, S.E. Buttrill, Jr., and M. Anbar —
Heteroatom species in coal liquefaction products / F.K. Schweighardt, C.M. White, S. Friedman, and J.L. Shultz —
Characterization of liquids and gases obtained by hydrogenating lumps of Texas lignite / C.V. Philip and Rayford G. Anthony —
Preparative GPC study of solvent-refined coal and its acid-neutral-base components / D.J. Welsh, J.W. Hellgeth, T.E. Glass, H.C. Dorn, and L.T. Taylor —
Comparison of solvent-refined lignites with solvent-refined bituminous coals / R.J. Baltisberger, K.J. Klabunde, V.I. Stenberg, N.F. Woolsey, K. Saito, and W. Sukalski —
Temperature effects on coal liquefaction : rates of depolymerization and product quality as determined by gel permeation chromatography / Curtis L. Knudson, Joseph E. Schiller, and Arthur L. Ruud.
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