{PDF} Oxford Textbook of Medicine (3 Volume Set) David Warrell, Timothy Cox, John Firth


The Oxford Textbook of Medicine provides all that any doctor needs to know to practice top-level internal medicine. It gives comprehensive coverage of the epidemiology, aetiology, and mechanism of disease, as well as clear, unambiguous coverage of the diagnosis, practical management and prevention of the entire spectrum of medical disorders. This new CD ROM enables the complete content of the OTM to be searched and accessed in the office, hospital or home. Users can access the 4500 text pages, including illustrations and References, via the Contents list or by free-text or key-term searches, using familiar, browser-based software; and can add their own notes and bookmarks for future reference. Searching can be done by using words, phrases or wildcards, or via the Index. Users can add and edit permanent bookmarks tied to specific paragaphs. There are hyperlinks across the text, including page references. Figures and Plates appear as expandable thumbnails. A history of the articles viewed in the current session appears in a drop-down menu.


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