[PDF] Oxygen sensing : responses and adaptation to hypoxia Sukhamay Lahiri; Gregg L Semenza; Nanduri R Prabhakar


Content: GENOMICS OF OXYGEN SENSING, Gregg L. SemenzaBiochemistry and Physiological Importance of Heme Proteins as Oxygen Sensors, Marie-Alda Gilles-GonzalezA Role for the Mitochondrion and Reactive Oxygen Species in Oxygen Sensing and Adaptation to Hypoxia in Yeast, Robert O. Poyton, Reinhard P. Dirmeier, Kristin M. O’Brien, and Erick SpearsRegulation of HIF-1 by Oxygen: The Role of Prolyl Hydroxylase and the VHL Tumor Suppressor, Patrick H. Maxwell and Peter J. RatcliffeOxygen- or Redox-Dependent Regulation: The Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in the Regulation of Erythropoietin Gene Expression, Joachim FandreyStructure and Regulation of the Mouse Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a Gene, Roland H. WengerHypoxia-Inducible Factor 1: More Than a Hypoxia-Inducible Transcription Factor, Thomas Hellwig?Bnrgel, Daniel Phillip Stiehl, and Wolfgang JelkmannBrain Microvascular and Metabolic Adaptation to Prolonged Mild Hypoxia, Faton H. Agani, Juan Carlos Ch?vez, Paola Pichiule, and Joseph C. LaMannaMolecular Adaptation to Hypoxia, Karen A. Seta, Yong Yuan, Zachary Spicer, Gang Lu, and David E. MillhornRegulation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene Expression by Hypoxia in Neuroendocrine Cells, Maria F. Czyzyk Krzeska, Phillip O. Schnell, Amy L. Bauer, Justin B. Striet, James A. Nash, Anna V. Kuznetsova, and Anna S. HuiGenome-wide Computational Screen for Candidate HIF Target Genes in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, Thomas A. Gorr, Pavel Hradecky, Joshua D. Cahn, and H. Franklin BunnOXYGEN SENSING IN THE CAROTID BODY, AND OTHER CELLS, ORGANS, AND ORGANELLES, Sukhamay Lahiri and Nanduri R. PrabhakarFetal Adaptations to Hypoxia, James P. Newman, Mark A. Hanson, and Lucy R. GreenPerinatal Transition of Oxygen Sensing in the Peripheral Chemoreceptors, Jean-Christophe Roux, Julie Peyronnet, and Hugo LagercrantzPostnatal Maturation of the Carotid Chemoreceptor O2 Sensitivity at the Cellular Level, John L. CarrollMaturation of Chemoreceptor O2 and CO2 Sensitivity, Prem KumarFurther Evidence That Oxygen Sensing in the Carotid Body Involves Iron and Heme Proteins, Sukhamay Lahiri, Arijit Roy, Anil Mokashi, Peter A. Daudu, Jinquing Li, Santhosh M. Baby, and Donald G. BuerkO2-Sensitive K+ Channels Controlling Cell Excitability, Chris Peers, Anthony Lewis, Leigh D. Plant, Hugh A. Pearson, and Paul J. KempCarotid Body Thin Slices: New Answers for Old Questions, Jos? L pez-Barneo and Ricardo PardalElectric and Dye Coupling Between Rat Carotid Body Cells and Between These Cells and Carotid Nerve Endings, Carlos Eyzaguirre, Rugang Jiang, and Ver nica AbudaraFrom Oxygen Sensing to Chemosensory Activity: The Mediator Role of Glomus Cells, Patricio ZapataExcitation of Glomus Cells: Interaction Between Voltage-Gated K+ Channels and Cholinergic Receptors, Machiko Shirahata, Tomoko Higashi, Serabi Hirasawa, Shigeki Yamaguchi, Robert S. Fitzgerald, and Boris LandeSome Neurotransmitter Relationships in the Carotid Body’


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