The newest and most up-to-date collection, PCR Protocols offers detailed laboratory procedures for the use of polymerase chain reactions in a wide range of applications. Although specific examples and experimental systems are described, the book’s focus is on general applications that can be modified to suit a broad spectrum of research systems, thus making its scope appealing to nearly all researchers. PCR Protocols features clear, easy-to-follow descriptions of procedures and a Notes section in each chapter to provide tips, alternative suggestions, and other enhancements of the protocols. Key Topics and Techniques: basic startup procedures for PCR ? PCR in detecting DNA and RNA ? PCR in DNA synthesis and mutagenesis ? PCR cloning of DNA ? selection of primers ? radioactive and nonradioactive labeling ? quantitation of PCR products by HPLC ? chromosome assignment ? PCR mapping of HLA genes ? sequencing of PCR products ? genomic footprinting ? quantitation of tumor gene expression ? screening of phage libraries ? SSP-PCR and genome walking ? subcloning of PCR products.
{pdf} PCR Protocols: Current Methods and Applications Beverly C. Delidow, John P. Lynch, John J. Peluso, Bruce A. White (auth.), Bruce A. White (eds.)
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