[PDF] Phosphorus-carbon heterocyclic chemistry : the rise of a new domain Franc?ois Mathey, Professor


This volume comprehensively examines the synthesis, spectroscopic properties, reactivity and catalytic applications of all phosphorus-carbon heterocycles. The most significant phosphorus heterocycles incorporating other heteroatoms, such as heterophospholes and heterophosphinines, are also covered. The introductory chapter describes the rise of this field that has developed, over the years, into the fourth major branch of heterocyclic chemistry. Written by several founders of the field, this book should prove a useful reference work within the domain for years to come and provide the basis for courses on heterocyclic chemistry and homogenous catalysis. All those interested in phosphorus heterocycles for applications in co-ordination chemistry, homogenous catalysis, molecular materials and biochemistry, should find this volume useful


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