[PDF] Photochemistry A. Gilbert


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This is a very special volume of Photochemistry, because it is to be the last in the current format. It has been apparent in recent years that we are experiencing a profound change in the way in which information of all types is disseminated. In particular, more-or-less universally available on-line searching for scientific papers and data has greatly speeded up the task of searching the literature for material relevant to any area of interest. So much so, that the inevitable time delay inherent in the production of review serials, such as the Specialist Periodical Reports, now seems excessive. Moreover, the nature of some other RSC publications has changed in the past few years. Chemical Society Reviews, for example, has moved from being a vehicle for the comprehensive or historical coverage of selected topics to being more of a collection of updates on the research of individual groups. This has left a niche in the review coverage of the RSC, and the intention is to fill this with a new style of Specialist Periodical Reports. In the future, from Volume 37 onwards, Photochemistry will aim at providing a critical analysis of recently published research in photochemistry, with less of an attempt at comprehensiveness. It also is intended to emphasize applications of photochemistry in, for example, synthesis, fabrication of new devices and materials, medicine, pollution control, etc.


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