[PDF] Practical fluoroscopy of the GI and GU tracts Marc S Levine; Parvati Ramchandani; Stephen E Rubesin


Practical Fluoroscopy of the GI and GU Tracts highlights the critical role of fluoroscopy in the diagnosis of luminal GI and GU diseases, presenting both the fundamentals and nuances for performing and interpreting all types of these examinations. The text presents detailed descriptions of the techniques for performing GI and GU fluoroscopic procedures in a logical, stepwise format. Practical tips, advice and solutions address the problems and pitfalls commonly encountered during these examinations. Clear, concise, yet comprehensive descriptions of the relevant clinical and radiographic findings and differential diagnoses also provide a focused approach for interpreting GI and GU studies. A plethora of carefully annotated figures illustrate the pertinent findings. Practical Fluoroscopy of the GI and GU Tracts is a must-have text for both radiology trainees and experienced radiologists and is an essential addition to the library of every radiology training program and the fluoroscopy suite of every radiology practice
Pharynx — Examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum : techniquesand normal anatomy — Esophagus — Stomach — Duodenum — Small intestine : normal anatomy and techniques — Small intestine — Colon : normal anatomy and techniques — Colon — Fluoroscopic evaluation of the bladder, urethra, and urinary diversions — Retrograde pyelography


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