This book contains the proceedings of the 16th ICEC/ICMC Conference, held in Kitakyushu, Japan, on 20th-24th May 1996. The Proceedings are presented in three volumes containing a total of 476 papers from 1484 authors.The proceedings covers the main areas of: Large Scale Refrigeration. Cryocoolers. Cryogenic Engineering. Space Cryogenics. Application of Superconductivity. Oxide Superconductors. Metallic Superconductors. Metallic Materials. Non Metallic Materials.In addition there are seven Plenary Lectures covering such diverse topics as commercialization of high-Tc superconductors, the continuing development of the Maglev system in Japan, and the Large Hadron Collider project.The Proceedings comprise an excellent and up-to-date summary of research and development in the fields of Cryogenics and Superconductivity.
[PDF] Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan, 20-24 May 1996. Part 1 Haruyama T., Mitsui T., Yamafuji K.
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