{PDF} Radio Monitoring: Problems, Methods and Equipment Anatoly Rembovsky, Alexander Ashikhmin, Vladimir Kozmin, Sergey Smolskiy (auth.)


Radio Monitoring: Problems, Methods, and Equipment discusses the fundamental Automated Radio Monitoring (ARM) systems including reference data and recommendations for the methodology involved in those systems. The material includes a description of the equipment for detection, radio direction-finding, parameters measurement and analysis, and the identification and localization of the electromagnetic field sources. The authors also provide examples of the ARM equipment structure, software, and applications with regards to complicated interference environments such as industrial centers, the interiors of buildings, and open terrain.

Other topics include:

Mathematical aspects of narrow-band signal detection as well as signals with dynamic frequency-time distribution;

Technical analysis and parameter measurement of modulated and non-modulated signals;

Discussion of basic parameters for up-to-date radio receivers affecting the problem of ARM fulfillment;

Analysis of the nomenclature, structure, functions and parameters of ARM equipment.

Radio Monitoring: Problems, Methods, and Equipment is a useful resource for engineers and experts in field of radio monitoring.


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