{PDF} Recombinant Proteins From Plants: Methods and Protocols Christophe Sourrouille, Brian Marshall, David Li?nard (auth.), Lo?c Faye, V?ronique Gomord (eds.)


The past decade has seen the emergence of plants as a viable alternative to the current production systems for therapeutic proteins. In Recombinant Proteins from Plants, expert researchers explore plants and their potential for the production of increasingly safe, high quality and biologically active complex recombinant pharmaceutical proteins. Chapters present several production platforms, focusing on the largest and most important group of biotechnological products in clinical trials: antibodies and their derived fragments with acknowledged potential for immunotherapy in humans. Due to the shortage of step by step protocols that can be used easily by beginners, this volume aims to fill the void with several chapters of detailed instructions for using the main plant expression systems. Composed in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology? series format, each chapter contains a brief introduction, step-by-step methods, a list of necessary materials, and a Notes section which shares tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Comprehensive and cutting-edge, Recombinant Proteins from Plants serves as an ideal guide for those new and seasoned plant scientists, pharmaceutical scientists, and molecular and cellular biologists interested in molecular pharming.


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