FrontCover; Refactoring forSoftware DesignSmells; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword by Grady Booch; Foreword by Dr. St?phane Ducasse; Preface; WHAT IS THIS BOOK ABOUT?; WHAT DOES THIS BOOK COVER?; WHO SHOULD READ THIS BOOK?; WHAT ARE THE PREREQUISITES FOR READING THIS BOOK?; HOW TO READ THIS BOOK?; WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION?; WHY DID WE WRITE THIS BOOK?; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1 — Technical Debt; 1.1 WHAT IS TECHNICAL DEBT?; 1.2 WHAT CONSTITUTES TECHNICAL DEBT?; 1.3 WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF TECHNICAL DEBT?; 1.4 WHAT CAUSES TECHNICAL DEBT?; 1.5 HOW TO MANAGE TECHNICAL DEBT?;Awareness of design smells – indicators of common design problems – helps developers or software engineers understand mistakes made while designing, what design principles were overlooked or misapplied, and what principles need to be applied properly to address those smells through refactoring. Developers and software engineers may “”know”” principles and patterns, but are not aware of the “”smells”” that exist in their design because of wrong or mis-application of principles or patterns. These smells tend to contribute heavily to technical debt – further time owed to fix projects thought to b.
{PDF} Refactoring for software design smells: managing technical debt Samarthyam, Ganesh;Sharma, Tushar;Suryanarayana, Girish
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