Contents/Information: C.K. Jorgensen, Geneva, Switzerland: Are Atoms Significantly Modified by Chemical Bonding?N.D. Epiotis, Seattle, WA/USA: Chemical Bonding Across the Periodic TableD.J. Clouthier, Lexington, KY/USA, D.C. Moule, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada: Periodic Group Relationships in the Spectroscopy of the Carbonyls, Ketenes and Nitriles: The Effect of Substitution by Sulfur, Selenium, and PhosphorusP.L. Corio, Lexington, KY/USA: Theory of Reaction Mechanisms Das Buch enth?lt folgende Beitr?ge: C.K. Jorgensen, Geneva, Switzerland: Werden Atome durch chemische Bindung wesentlich ver?ndert?N.D. Epiotis, Seattle, WA/USA: Chemische Bindung und das Periodensystem der ElementeD.J. Clouthier, Lexington, KY/USA, D.C. Moule, St. Catharines, Ontario/Canada: Periodische Systematik in der Spektroskopie von Carbonylen, Ketenen und Nitrilen: Der Substituenteneinflu? von Schwefel, Selen und PhosphorP.L. Corio, Lexington, KY/USA: Theorie von Reaktionsmechanismen
[PDF] Relationships and Mechanisms in the Periodic Table D. J. Clouthier, P. L. Corio, N. D. Epiotis, C. K. J?rgensen, D. C. Moule (auth.)
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