This third edition of Renewable Energy is undoubtedly one of the most complete accounts of the subject, from source through to extraction and use. The book is academically rigorous, but accessible. The author first describes the effect of the sun on the atmosphere and the creation of wind and waves, including the effects of global warming. For each type of renewable energy, from direct solar radiation to wind and biomass, there follows a technical description of the devices that can be used to transform the energy into useful forms. The author explores new solar cell types, including polymer and organic cells, new biofuel processes and new wave energy devices. The final part of the book looks at social and economic aspects of renewable energy – the costs of our current fuel bills versus new energy sources, and the difference it could make to developing as well as developed countries. The concept of whole new energy systems based around wind, solar, and other energies is put into a real-life context. Renewable Energy is essential reading for undergraduates and graduates in Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Engineering. Researchers will find it a useful reference tool. The book will also prove invaluable to consultants and planners working in both the public and private sectors of government and international agencies.
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