THIS COMPILATION OF Selected Technical Papers, STP1621, Roofing Research and Standards Development: 9th Volume, contains peer-reviewed papers that were presented at a symposium held December 8, 2019, in Houston, Texas, USA. The symposium was jointly sponsored by ASTM International Committee D08 on Roofing and Waterproofing.
Symposium Chairs and STP Editors:
Sudhakar Molleti
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Walter J. Rossiter Jr.
International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants
Raleigh, NC, USA
The Potential Impact of Cool Roof Technologies upon Heat Wave Meteorology and Human Health in Boston and Chicago
Laurence Kalkstein, Frank Klink, Kurt Shickman, Sarah Schneider, Mischa Egolf, and David Sailor
Validation of Roofing Membrane Composition by NMR: Products of Ketone-Ethylene Ester and Polyvinyl Chloride
J.-F. Masson, Taijiro Sato, Peter Collins, Gilles P. Robertson, and Jerry Beall
Waterproofing Applications for Floodproofing and Resiliency
Gregory R. Doelp, Joshua B. Kivela, and Matthew R. Gilbertson
Overview of the IBHS Roof Aging Farm Program
Heather E. Estes, Carolyn Stansell, and Tanya M. Brown-Giammanco
Does the Underlayment Matter
David L. Roodvoets and Jonathan P. Spencer
A Scientific Approach to Understanding Walkability and Grip to Deck of Roof Underlayment
William Coulter and John Johnston
Laboratory Conditioning Methods for Asphalt Shingles
Heather E. Estes and Murray Morrison
Simulating the Thermal Impact of Typical Roof Penetrations
Jerry Carter, Ryan Asava, and Matthew Medley
Energy Resistance of Commercial Roofs
Sudhakar Molleti and Bas Baskaran
The Durability of Polyolefin Polymers in Steep Slope Roofing Underlayment Materials—Part One
John Johnston
Effects of Moisture in Concrete Roof Decks on Vapor Retarder Adhesion
Gregory R. Doelp and Mary K. Donlon
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