{PDF} SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols Leen Vijgen PhD, Elien Mo?s, Els Keyaerts PhD, Sandra Li, Marc Van Ranst MD, PhD (auth.), Dave Cavanagh (eds.)


In 2003, the word “coronavirus” spread across the globe, somewhat further than the virus that sparked the panic. In SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols, expert researchers examine these devastating viruses through detailed laboratory protocols. Chapters deal with such subjects as detection and discovery of coronaviruses by nucleic acid and antibody-based approaches, virus isolation, propagation and titration, virus purification, structure analysis by electron cryomicroscopy, expression and crystallization of viral proteins, raising antibodies against viral proteins, manipulation of the coronavirus genome, and descriptions of how to investigate aspects of the cell surface for coronavirus receptors. Composed in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology? series format, each chapter contains a brief introduction, step-by-step methods, a list of necessary materials, and a Notes section which shares tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Comprehensive and cutting-edge, SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols serves as an ideal guide for all virologists and especially for those working with coronaviruses.


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