{PDF} SAS ACCESS 9.1 Interface to CA-Datacom DB: Reference The SAS Technical Team Writers


Take advantage of the power of SAS as you analyze and present data directly from CA-Datacom/DB databases. There’s no risk to database integrity, since CA-Datacom/DB security levels and MVS security are fully supported. You can provide access capabilities to as many, or as few, users as necessary. In this title, you will learn how to perform the following tasks with this SAS/ACCESS interface: create SAS/ACCESS descriptor files using the ACCESS procedure, directly access data in CA-Datacom/DB tables from within a SAS program, using the descriptor files created with the ACCESS procedure, extract CA-Datacom/DB data and place it in a SAS data file using the ACCESS procedure or the DATA step, update data in CA-Datacom/DB tables using the SQL procedure, the APPEND procedure, SAS/FSP software, or SAS/AF software. You will also learn to print, plot, and chart the data described by the descriptor files and use it to create other SAS data files. This title contains reference information required by applications programmers, end users, and administrators who need to use CA-Datacom/DB data with SAS.


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