[PDF] Scattering theory in quantum mechanics: physical principles and mathematical methods Werner O. Amrein, etc.


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Everyone concerned with the teaching of physics at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level is aware of the continuing need for a modernization and reorganization of the basic course material. Despite the existence today of many good textbooks in these areas, there is always an appreciable tijne-lag in the incorporation of new viewpoints and techniques which result from the most recent developments in physics research. Typically these changes in concepts and material take place first in the personal lecture notes of some of those who teach graduate courses. Eventually, printed notes may appear, and some fraction of such notes evolve into textbooks or monographs. But much of this fresh material remains available only to a very limited audience, to the detriment of all. Our series aims to fill this gap in the literature of physics by presenting occasional volumes with a contemporary approach to the classical topics of physics at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Clarity and soundness of treatment will, we hope, mark these volumes, as well as the freshness of the approach.


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