Neural-network models for event analysis are widely used in experimental high-energy physics, star/galaxy discrimination, control of adaptive optical systems, prediction of nuclear properties, fast interpolation of potential energy surfaces in chemistry, classification of mass spectra of organic compounds, protein-structure prediction, analysis of DNA sequences, and design of pharmaceuticals. This book, devoted to this highly interdisciplinary research area, addresses scientists and graduate students. The pedagogically written review articles range over a variety of fields including astronomy, nuclear physics, experimental particle physics, bioinformatics, linguistics, and information processing.
[PDF] Scientific Applications of Neural Nets: Proceedings of the 194th W.E. Heraeus Seminar Held at Bad Honnef, Germany, 11?13 May 1998 John W. Clark (auth.), John W. Clark, Thomas Lindenau, Manfred L. Ristig (eds.)
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