[PDF] Sea Clutter: Scattering, the K Distribution And Radar Performance Keith D. Ward, Robert J. A. Tough, Simon Watts


Sea Clutter: Scattering, the K-Distribution and Radar Performance gives an authoritative account of our current understanding of radar sea clutter. The authors pay particular attention to the compound K distribution model, which they have developed over the past 20 years. Evidence supporting this model, including a detailed review of the calculation of EM scattering by the sea surface, its statistical formulation, and practical application to the specification, design and evaluation of radar systems are all discussed. The calculation of the performance of practical radar systems is presented in sufficient detail for the reader to be able to tackle related problems with confidence.
This book should be invaluable to specialist radar engineers and academic researchers, and of considerable interest to the wider applied physics and mathematics communities.
Also available:
Target Detection by Marine Radar – ISBN 9780863413599 Low-angle Radar Land Clutter – ISBN 9780852962305
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