{PDF} Selenium in Biology and Medicine H. Toyoda, S. Himeno, N. Imura (auth.), Professor Dr. Albrecht Wendel (eds.)


In July, 1988, more than 300 scientists from 29 different countries gathered at Tiibingen, W. Germany, in order to spend 4 days discussing their favourite trace element, selenium. This meeting continued the good tradition of three previous meetings held in Corvallis/Oregon, 1976, in Lubbock/Texas, 1980, and in Beijing/China, in 1984. Incidentally, the University of Tiibingen provided a unique historical background for a Symposium devoted to recent advances in biochemistry, pharmacology, human nutrition and human health; here, the first independent depart? ment of Physiological Chemistry in Germany was founded in 1845. Pro? fessor H9Ppe-Seyler elucidated here the hemin structure and his student Friedrich Miescher discovered the nucleic acids. This book contains one-half of the oral or poster presentations which were selected before the meeting was held on the basis of a one? page abstract. It is the reader who will have to decide whether this time? consuming policy of quality assessment was warranted or not.


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