{PDF} Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Methods and Protocols P. Frederick Sparling (auth.), Rosanna W. Peeling PhD, P. Frederick Sparling MD (eds.)


In Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Methods and Protocols, Rosanna Peeling and P. Frederick Sparling have created a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge molecular protocols for the laboratory diagnosis and study of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. The methods-each crafted by a leading expert for comprehensiveness and genuine laboratory utility-cover the major sexually transmitted pathogens, including Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Haemophilius ducreyl, Treponema pallidum, and herpes simplex. Additional molecular techniques are included for detecting the genital mycoplasmas, hepatitis B virus, HIV-1, human papillomavirus.

This book will significantly enhance our ability to detect sexually transmitted infections and to conduct research to further our understanding of sexually transmitted diseases. Eminently practical and up-to-date, Sexually Transmitted Disease Protocols provides a comprehensive collection of reliable molecular methods for STD diagnosis, research, and patient management.


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