[PDF] Small Animal Critical Care Medicine, 1e Deborah Silverstein DVM DACVECC, Kate Hopper BVSc MVSc DACVECC


Small Animal Critical Care Medicine is a comprehensive, concise guide to critical care, encompassing not only triage and stabilization, but also the entire course of care during the acute medical crisis and high-risk period. This clinically oriented manual assists practitioners in providing the highest standard of care for ICU patients.More than 150 recognized experts offer in-depth, authoritative guidance on clinical situations from a variety of perspectives.Consistent, user-friendly format ensures immediate access to essential information.Organ-system, problem-based approach incorporates only clinically relevant details.Features state-of-the-art invasive and non-invasive diagnostic and monitoring procedures, as well as an extensive section on pharmacology.Appendices provide conversion tables, continuous rate infusion determinations, reference ranges, and more.


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