In preparing this Fifth Edition of the SPI Plastics Engineering Handbook, we have built upon a base of information that has grown along with the plastics industry over the past 45 years. As a work whose contents are largely contributed, the Handbook owes a great deal to the authors and reviewers whose time and efforts went into its publication. They all have our sincere appreciation. In compiling the new work, much text from the previous edition has been retained, with the necessary revisions and updates provided by current industry experts. We therefore thank all the contributors and reviewers who participated in the Fourth Edition as well. Acknowledgment is due once again to the many suppliers of plastic materials and processing equipment who have generously offered literature and illustrations. We have provided credit for those contributions throughout the handbook.Thanks are also in order to the Society of the Plastics Industry, which supported the publication of the Handbook and supplied us with association literature, data, standards, and other information contained in this volume. I would also like to give special thanks to Joel Frados, editor of the Fourth Edition and my mentor in the plastics publishing business, to Me1 Friedman and Ed Galli of Edge11 Communications for their help in gathering information, to Stephanie Seber for her long hours of manuscript preparation, to Emil Davidson for his inspiration and assistance, and to Tina Berins for her constant encouragement.
[PDF] Spi Plastics Engineering Handbook of the Society of the Plastics Industry Reinhold Publishing Company
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