Supramolecular chemistry has become not only a major field of chemistry, but is also a vivid interface between chemistry, biology, physics, and materials science. Although still a relatively young field, termini such as molecular recognition, host-guest chemistry, or self-assembly are now common knowledge even for chemistry students, and research has already been honored with a Nobel Prize. This first book on supramolecular organometallic chemistry combines two areas in chemistry that are experiencing the fastest developments. It provides a comprehensive review of various organometallic assemb. ?Read more… Supramolecular Organornetallic Chemistry; Table of Contents; 1 Basic Concepts and Principles; 2 Molecular Recognition and Host-Guest Interactions; 3 Supramolecular Self-Assembly by Dative Bonding (Electron-Pair Donor-Acceptor or Lewis Acid-Base Interactions); 4 Supramolecular Self-Assembly by Formation of Secondary Bonds; 5 Supramolecular Self-Assembly by Hydrogen-Bond Interactions; 6 Supramolecular Self-Assembly Caused by Ionic Interactions; 7 Supramolecular Self-Assembly as a Result of p-Interactions; Subject Index
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