{PDF} System BIOS for IBM PC/XT/AT computers and compatibles: the complete guide to ROM-based system software Phoenix Technologies Ltd.


System BIOS for IBM PC/XT/AT Computers and Compatibles is an indispensable guide for anyone who needs a detailed understanding of the ROM-based system software resident in their IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible computer. Applications programmers, operating system developers, hardware manufacturers, and students of PC architecture will find this handy reference book the most complete source of information available.

Key information includes:

* bit-level descriptions of I/O port addresses, CMOS RAM data areas, ROM BIOS data areas, and all system configuration tables

* descriptions of undocumented IBM BIOS features

* programming tips for using BIOS functions more productively

* complete documentation of the power-on self test (POST) routine

* complete beep code and error message documentation

* descriptions of key hardware components, including video, keyboard, diskette, and fixed disk subsystems.

The information in this book is applicable to all IBM PC, XT, AT computers and compatibles.


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