[PDF] THE ARTERIAL CHEMORECEPTORS K. RAVI, V.K. VIJAYAN (auth.), Yoshiaki Hayashida, Constancio Gonzalez, Hisatake Kondo (eds.)


The carotid body arterial chemoreceptors constitute unique sensory receptors capable of instantly monitoring the levels of arterial blood oxygen and carbon dioxide. They capture any deviations from normality and initiate bodily homeostatic reflexes aimed to correct the detected deviations. Chemoreceptor cells of the carotid body constitute ideal models to study the entire processes of O2-sensing as well as CO2-sensing.

The Arterial Chemoreceptors represents an updated review of the physiology of the carotid body chemoreceptors. More importantly, the book presents trends in the field and contains results in topics at the frontiers of future developments in O2-sensing in chemoreceptor cells.

Additionally, this volume contains data from studies carried out in other O2-sensing tissues including pulmonary vasculature and erythropoietin producing cells.

This book is a prime source of information and a guideline for every researcher in the field of arterial chemoreception. It is also an important source of information for researchers in the fields of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary hypertension, as well as for researchers in the field of erythr


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