Imidazole and Its Derivatives (Part I) summarizes the chemistry of the, imidazoles, imidazolines, imidazolidines, and benzimidazoles and their derivatives. Section 1, “Chemistry of Classes and Derivatives,” presents a critical evaluation of the synthetic methods, and the fundamental physi?cal and chemical aspects of these compounds. Brief descriptions of the pharmacological properties of some of the biochemically important de?rivatives are also included. Section 2, “Systematic Survey and Bibliog?raphy,” contains a comprehensive noncritical survey of the pertinent liter?ature. Names, melting points, melting points of some derivatives, and literature references are given. The survey covers the years 1919 to 1950. Substances that were prepared before 1919 and were not mentioned in the literature covered are not listed; Beilstein’s Handlruch should be consulted for information about these compounds.
The subject is treated in this fashion with the intention of presenting a readable account of the fundamentals, yet at the same time attempting a comprehensive coverage of the entire field. With but few exceptions the original articles have served as the source. The Chemical Abstracts reference is listed, in addition to the primary reference, for any article not consulted in the original. In some instances, data from the older literature have been reevaluated in the light of more recent concepts, and a number of reaction mechanisms are tentatively presented. Most of these inter?pretations are based on analogies with better understood examples, and must remain speculative until quantitative information is forthcoming; they are given with the aim of stimulating inquiry into the theoretical as?pects of imidazole chemistry.
[PDF] The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Imidazole and Its Derivatives Klaus Hofmann
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