{pdf} The Genome of Homo Sapiens: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume LXVIII Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Bruce Stillman


The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003, 50 years after the discovery of the structure of DNA and 17 years after an influential debate at the annual Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium about the Project?????s feasibility. The 2003 Symposium was dedicated to examining what has been learned so far from the human genome sequence. This book contains over sixty contributions from the world?????s leaders in this field and covers genome structure and evolution, methods of data analysis, lessons from species comparison, and the application of sequence data to the understanding of disease.
Purchasers of the hard cover edition of this book are entitled to access to the Symposia website. The site contains the full text of the written communications from the 2003 Symposium and the Symposia held in 1998 through 2002 (Volumes LXIII?????LXVII). Subscribers to the site also gain access to archive photographs and selected papers from the 60?????year history of the Annual Symposium, and will have the opportunity to receive as?????it?????happens text, audio, and video reporting from the 2004 symposium to be held June 2nd?????7th on Epigenetics.


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