[PDF] The Hispalensis Lectures on Nuclear Physics Vol. 2 A. Capella (auth.), Jos? Miguel Arias, Manuel Lozano (eds.)


Powerful new techniques, in particular heavy ion and exotic beams, are pushing the frontiers of nuclear physics and opening up a wealth of new fields of research. After introductory chapters on theoretical and experimental aspects of nuclear collisions and beams, this book offers articles by experienced lecturers on forefront topics in nuclear physics, such as the conquest of the neutron and the proton drip-lines, nuclear astrophysics, the equation of state of hypernuclear matter, nuclear supersymmetry and chaotic motion in nuclei. This volume continues the successful tradition of published lecture notes from the Hispalensis International Summer School (the first volume being Lect. Not. Phys. 581).It will benefit graduate students and lecturers in search of advanced material for self-study and courses as well as researchers in search of a modern and comprehensive source of reference.


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